Today is the nationally sanctioned day of rest, and so I’ve spent it resting too. I emerged from the residence for a short walk around town, where I quickly discovered that almost everywhere is closed on Sundays, as I’d guessed. I’ll have to figure out things to do on Sundays in the future that don’t involve shopping or eating in restaurants. There was almost nobody walking on the sidewalks, but it seems that every young person in Morteau and the surrounding area owns a scooter or a motorcycle, and that Sunday is the day that they take them for a ride! The buzz of engines has been in my ears all day. In the bus parking lot down the hill from my “château”, there were about ten teenage boys sharing four motorbikes, taking turns riding them around the bus bays and filming each other for an hour or so.
I’ve also figured out that if I want to eat at the canteen, I have to get there right when it opens. I heard that lunch was served at noon, and I got caught up organising my room and didn’t get there until 12:30. Naturally, it was completely empty and all the food was put away. Fortunately, two really nice surveillants (supervisors) helped me find something to eat, so I was OK. This could be a problem, because punctuality isn’t exactly one of my strong points—but then again, food is one of my favourite things, so I think that I’ll adapt pretty quickly!
My parents left for Switzerland this morning. They really were a big help in getting me set up here. Yesterday, we went in to Besançon, a gorgeous city that I’m sure I’ll be visiting often. It’s an hour-long train ride away, and with the 12-25 SNCF discount card I can get there and back for 10 euros. The city centre is walled and full of historical buildings, and the lovely Doubs River runs right through it. We spent a bit of time in the city centre, but then left for the outskirts in order to go to Espace Valentin, a huge outdoor shopping mall where I picked up some essentials. When we got back to Morteau, they helped me rearrange my room so that all of the wardrobes are against one wall and the tables against another. I will put up some pictures once I’ve got it decorated, which I think will involve covering the walls with wrapping paper or something similarly cheap. A previous occupant also left behind some posters of Monet prints, which I will definitely make good use of. Afterwards, we had supper at L’Époque, a really nice restaurant serving local specialties. I got to try the famous Morteau sausage, which was pretty good. I’ll be going back there for sure, but not often, because it’s not exactly in my budget range!
This next week is going to be super busy. I have to get a bank account, a cell phone, occupant’s insurance, and a 12-25 SNCF card. I’m hoping that I can get all of that done by Friday, but we’ll see…
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